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A musical instrument that you hold under your chin and play by pulling a long object called a bow across its strings.
A musical instrument consisting of a long black tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys.
A musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide end. You play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top.
A musical instrument consisting of a long curved metal tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys with your fingers.
A musical instrument with six strings, used in a wide variety of musical styles. It can be acoustic or electric
A musical instrument that you hold sideways to your mouth and play by blowing over a hole at one end as you press its keys
A musical instrument consisting of two metal tubes shaped like the letter U that fit into each other, with one tube wide at one end. You play it by blowing into it as you slide one of the tubes forwards and backwards
A simple musical instrument consisting of a thin circular piece of metal that you play by hitting it with a stick or by hitting two of them against each other
A musical instrument consisting of a row of strings stretched over a large upright frame.