MiAulario - NireIkasgelategia (my lecture room building) is a platform for virtual teaching, learning and collaboration, specifically designed for higher education. It includes numerous tools to promote online cooperative work and communication between users.
MiAulario-NireIkasgelategia is open to the entire university community (students, PDI and PAS).
Sakai is a powerful and flexible software application directed at supporting lecturer teaching and student learning, and which additionally provides a solution for the collaborative work of research groups and university services. Sakai is an open code software platform, developed and headed by a foundation of universities from all over the world, particularly adapted to the architecture and technology used by the various information services provided by the UPNA, making it possible to integrate corporate information into the platform.
NireIkasgelategia unibertsitateko komunitateko kide guztientzat dago irekita, alegia, irakasle, ikasle eta administrazio eta zerbitzuetako langileentzat.
NUPek ematen dizkigun gainerako zerbitzuetan ditugun erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitzarekin sar gaitezke Nire Ikasgelategira. Esaterako, posta elektronikorako dugun pasahitzarekin.
MiAulario-NireIkasgelategia, provides each user with his / her own personal space called MiSitio which comprises individual tools and exclusive access, and also offers the possibility of creating personalised web sites with access control for group work and contents posting.
MiAulario-NireIkasgelategia offers users an extensive range of tools, including contents posting, communications and management tools.
In MiAulario-NireIkasgelategia, depending on the user profile, each user is a member of a series of sites which are created and administered corporately (courses and communities). Users can also create and administer new sites (projects and communities) for carrying out teaching and research work and offering services, inside and outside the UPNA.
Courses are the web sites associated with each of the academic courses offered at the UPNA, whose contents are managed by the lecturer or teaching team, and where access and the contents posted are limited to the students enrolled in each particular course.
Communities are groups of users or interest groups, either created corporately or by the users themselves, for communication and collaboration between members. Of particular note are the communities associated with the various centres and with the various UPNA degree courses, in addition to a series of membership communities such as students, alumni, international mobility, cooperation, cultural activities, sports, languages, amongst others.
Projects are on-line environments on any topic, designed for collaborative work, communication and contents posting, and which can be created and managed by any user or group of users.
Some possibility offered by MiAulario-NireIkasgelategia include:
Apart from that described above, there are some additional administrative privileges such as: